How often does a SMSF need to be audited?

How often does a SMSF need to be audited?

How Often Does a SMSF Need to Be Audited?

Understanding SMSF Audit Requirements

Why SMSFs Need Auditing

Self-Managed Superannuation Funds (SMSFs) are a popular choice for Australians looking to take control of their retirement savings. However, with great power comes great responsibility, and one of the critical responsibilities SMSF trustees must adhere to is the regular auditing of their fund. In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of SMSF auditing and answer the question: How often does a SMSF need to be audited?
SMSF Basics

Before we discuss the frequency of SMSF audits, let’s establish some basics. SMSFs are designed for a maximum of four members and are unique in that members also act as trustees, making them responsible for all investment decisions and compliance with superannuation laws.

How often does a SMSF need to be audited?
How often does a SMSF need to be audited?

Annual Audit Requirement

One of the most important SMSF compliance requirements is the annual audit. Regardless of the fund’s size or assets, all SMSFs must undergo an annual audit conducted by an approved SMSF auditor. The purpose of this audit is to ensure that the fund’s financial statements and operations comply with the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 (SIS Act) and other relevant regulations.
Timing of the Annual Audit

The annual audit must be completed before the fund’s annual return is lodged with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). The ATO provides specific deadlines for lodgment, generally around October 31 each year. Therefore, it’s crucial for SMSF trustees to plan their audits well in advance to meet these deadlines and avoid penalties.

Exceptional Circumstances

While an annual audit is a requirement for all SMSFs, there are certain exceptions where additional audits may be necessary. These exceptional circumstances include:
1. New SMSFs

When establishing a new SMSF, the initial audit may not align with the fund’s financial year-end. In such cases, an audit may be required soon after the establishment to ensure compliance.
2. Contribution Caps

Contributions made to an SMSF that exceed the annual contribution caps can trigger the need for an additional audit. This audit assesses the tax implications and compliance with contribution limits.

SMSF need to be audited

Penalties for Non-Compliance

Consequences of Not Auditing on Time

Failing to adhere to the prescribed audit schedule can lead to serious consequences for SMSF trustees. The ATO imposes penalties for non-compliance, which can range from fines to the disqualification of trustees and even the loss of the fund’s tax concessions.

The ATO can impose fines for late lodgment of SMSF annual returns. These fines can accumulate daily and can significantly impact the financial health of the fund.

In cases of severe non-compliance, trustees may be disqualified from managing the SMSF. This disqualification can extend to individuals involved in the fund’s management, including directors of corporate trustees.


In conclusion, the frequency of SMSF audits primarily revolves around the annual audit requirement. All SMSFs must undergo an annual audit conducted by an approved SMSF auditor, with the results of the audit reported to the ATO. Failure to meet this requirement can lead to severe penalties and even disqualification of trustees.

It’s essential for SMSF trustees to stay informed about their audit obligations, meet annual deadlines, and seek professional guidance if they encounter exceptional circumstances that require additional audits. By maintaining compliance, trustees can ensure the long-term financial security of their SMSF and enjoy the benefits of self-managed superannuation.

Remember that SMSF rules and regulations may change over time, so it’s advisable to consult with a financial advisor or SMSF specialist to stay up-to-date with the latest requirements.

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